
Abe Claymen Chapel

Lord Baden Powell on Reverence

“No man is much good unless he believes in God and obeys His laws. So every Scout should have a religion….Religion seems a very simple thing: First: Love and Serve God. Second: Love and serve your neighbour.” – (Scouting For Boys, 1908)

Claymen Chapel – est 1965

Claymen Chapel was dedicated in 1965. It has served as a location for many chapel services, weddings, Order of the Arrow Vigil meetings and so much more. As we move into the next 100 years at Mitigwa Scout Reservation it is fitting to remember those that came before us and honor those still with us. For this we are asking for donations for improvements to Claymen Chapel.

Improvements are under way!

The Abe Claymen Chapel Memorial Garden renovation has begun. Our troops have been cleaning up our current facilites during summer camp.

Choose your level of giving

There are 3 areas that you can donate towards.

Brass Memorial TAg


one time gift

  • one name per tag
  • tags will be placed on a plaque by the new stone pillar entry
Memorial walkway brick


one time gift

  • one name per brick
  • bricks will be placed on a new walk way between the benches
Click Here to Donate


one time gift

  • can be dedicated to an individual, group, or family
  • new benches will replace the old as money is received to purchase